If you think you could be pregnant and are considering abortion, here at Oasis Medical we are a holistic medical clinic. That means we treat the “whole” person, not just your “symptoms.” 

Abortion is a serious medical undertaking, and it’s important to be informed about both the physical risks as well as the potential mental health implications. Mental health concerns following an abortion are more common than you may realize, as the Mayo Clinic quotes that many women experience mixed emotions following an abortion, such as grief, sadness, relief, or guilt. 

As you consider an abortion, take a moment to consider how all aspects of an abortion experience may impact you and your health.

Does Abortion Cause Mental Health Problems? 

It’s first worth noting that every woman’s experience is unique – it’s difficult to predict exactly how abortion may affect you personally. But, there is some common consensus amongst medical professionals and researchers pointing out how abortion experiences are related to higher rates of mental health concerns. 

For instance, this NIH study by David Reardon concludes that “both sides agree that abortion is consistently associated with elevated rates of mental illness when compared to women without a history of abortion” and “the abortion experience directly contributes to mental health problems for at least some women.” It also states that a history of mental illness increases your risk of negative consequences with an abortion.

Similarly, this study by Priscilla Coleman published by Cambridge University, notes that “women who had undergone an abortion experienced an 81% increased risk of mental health problems”. 

As quoted previously, the Mayo Clinic also advises that women undergoing abortion can potentially experience a range of emotions and negative feelings following the procedure. This could, in some cases, lead to more prolonged concerns that lead to the need for mental health care or intervention through a licensed counselor.

How Do I Manage My Mental Health Risks for Abortion? 

Some individual patients could have increased risk factors that may increase the chances of a negative mental health outcome following an abortion experience. If you think this could be a concern for you, we are here to help. We have many resources to help you make the right decision here at Oasis Medical. 

These risk factors may include:

  • Feeling pressured by others to have an abortion 
  • Feeling unsupported 
  • Inadequate pre-abortion counseling

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You deserve all the facts to help you make an informed, confident choice. Schedule now for your no-cost appointment to get your questions answered.