Facing a pregnancy can be overwhelming. At Oasis Medical we are here to answer your questions about abortion such as:  

  • How long do I have to make a decision? 
  • What are the abortion procedures? 
  • What is the average recovery time? 

There are three courses of action with regards to your pregnancy: abortion, adoption or parenting. If you are leaning towards abortion, there are some facts you need to know.  

What Do I Need to Know About Abortion? 

Abortion is a serious medical procedure. There are two types of abortion: medical/chemical and surgical.  The one that is medically appropriate for you is determined by a few factors. This is why it is so important to schedule an appointment with Oasis Medical and get those questions answered before you do anything else. 

The abortion pill – otherwise known as medical abortion – is actually two separate drugs taken over the course of several hours or up to 2 days. The FDA approves the use of the abortion pill to terminate early pregnancies up to 10 weeks gestational age – taking it past this point in pregnancy, however, decreases the medication’s chance of effectiveness which could result in a surgical procedure, as well as increasing your risk for complications. For this reason and others, it is crucial to date your pregnancy before making your next steps. 

The abortion pill also has possible physical risks including but not limited to infection, heavy/prolonged bleeding, fever, or nausea/vomiting. 

The second type of abortion is also known as a surgical abortion. Surgical abortion is done by a physician/provider, who uses medical instruments to empty the uterus and suction the fetus and tissue from the uterus. The specific type of surgical procedure is determined by the gestational age (how far along you are). In the United States, you can still obtain an abortion up to delivery or at full term. Most surgical abortions are performed as in-clinic procedures but some are required to be performed in a hospital or surgical setting. Complications vary depending on which procedure is performed. Risks of surgical abortion may include damage to the uterus or cervix, uterine perforation, excessive bleeding, infection, and more.  

We also offer information on adoption and parenting if that is your choice. The staff at Oasis Medical wants to support you during this time. It’s your decision.

Schedule your appointment today.