In an unplanned pregnancy, you deserve to know the facts, so you can be confident of your choice. However, pressure from those around you, such as from a significant other, partner, family member, or friend, can make it very hard to think clearly. Women who feel pressured often feel alone and feel they have no choice or voice. 

Make sure you have the information you need to make a healthy choice. This is your choice to make, and yours alone. Consulting with others who care about you may be wise, but you deserve to be listened to and allowed to make the decision you feel is best without outside pressure. 

Resisting the Pressure

Making your own choice and standing firm while resisting pressure can be easier said than done. But giving in to pressure can lead to a lifetime of regret. 

It is wise to take time to process what you’re feeling on your own. This process can include learning critical information from a medical professional regarding your pregnancy and medical needs, which might affect your choices. Support is available as you navigate your pregnancy decision.  

There are laws in place to protect women, including minors, from being coerced or forced into terminating a pregnancy. You should never let anyone pressure you into making a decision you aren’t 100% certain of. It is your choice and you have time to make it. In some states, terminating a pregnancy is legal until the day of delivery. 

Mental Health Impacts

When someone makes a decision in which she feels forced or pressured to go against her beliefs, it can lead to regret and sometimes even damage that relationship. 

There are many factors that could put you at increased risk for experiencing negative mental health impacts. Having a forced termination of pregnancy and feeling pressured to make your choice is one of them. Protect your mental health by ensuring the decision you make is based on facts and is one you feel confident about. 

Our Clinic Is a Safe Space

At Oasis Medical you will have a one-on-one conversation with medical professionals to answer your questions. Our medical staff is here to empower you with critical information you need to make an informed decision. All information is kept confidential as allowable by Tennessee state law. 

Our caring staff can help you process your feelings and discuss the pros and cons, so you can make an informed choice. It’s your choice—we’re here to help provide the information you need to do that. 

Schedule your free appointment today to confirm your pregnancy and get your questions answered.