Abortion is now illegal in the state of Tennessee, but you may be considering taking the abortion pill or traveling out of state for a surgical abortion.

Before acting on either option, it’s important to receive an ultrasound. You may wonder why, since you may think ultrasounds are only for women who are continuing their pregnancies.

It’s actually an important scan for three reasons:

  • An ultrasound tells you how far along you are
  • An ultrasound tells you where your pregnancy is located
  • An ultrasound tells you if your pregnancy is viable

All three pieces of information are vital before proceeding with an abortion. Here’s why.

Why You Need an Ultrasound Before an Abortion

1. Ultrasound Reveals How Far Along You Are

The abortion pill is only FDA-approved for women through the first nine weeks of pregnancy. At 10 weeks, there are increased risks involved, including harm to your health and the possibility of an incomplete abortion. This can lead to infection and the need for a surgical abortion.

An ultrasound uses imaging to measure the size of the fetus to determine how far along you are. Do not skip this critical step!

2. Ultrasound Reveals the Location of Your Pregnancy

In addition to telling you how far along you are, an ultrasound also reveals the location of your pregnancy. Did you know sometimes a pregnancy develops somewhere other than the uterus? This is called an ectopic pregnancy and it is nonviable. It’s also dangerous if it continues to grow and can be potentially life-threatening to you.

Approximately one in fifty pregnancies are ectopic, and an ultrasound is the only way to detect if yours is as well.

3. Ultrasound Reveals If You’ve Had A Miscarriage

A final reason to get an ultrasound is to determine if your pregnancy is viable (growing) or not. Sometimes pregnancy testing can come back positive, but your body naturally miscarries the pregnancy. Ultrasounds can detect pregnancy complications like a miscarriage. Most miscarriages occur before the 12th week of pregnancy.

Signs and symptoms of a miscarriage can include:

  • Vaginal spotting/bleeding
  • Pain/cramping in your abdomen or lower back
  • Fluid or tissue passing from your vagina

Ultrasound Matters

Now you can see why it’s important to get an ultrasound even if you are considering an abortion. At Oasis Medical, we provide free limited obstetrical ultrasounds so you can have all the data you need to make an informed choice.

Contact us today to schedule an appointment.