Unexpectedly pregnant? You probably have a lot of thoughts and questions going through your mind. 

As you think through what to do next, make sure you talk through your decision with a trusted professional to be sure you have all the information you need to prioritize your health, your safety, and your future. 

What Do I Need to Know About Abortion? 

Particularly with all the information you can find with a quick Google search, you may think you can find out all you need to know about abortion. But have you considered how the risks of each abortion method may interact with your unique needs? 

One abortion method, the abortion pill (also known as medical or medication abortion), actually involves two doses of medication – the drugs Mifeprex (mifepristone) and misoprostol.

The use of the abortion pill to terminate pregnancies is only approved by the FDA up to 10 weeks of gestational age and no later in pregnancy. For this reason, it’s very important to know how far along you are in pregnancy before pursuing an abortion. Taking the abortion pill past the recommended point in pregnancy could result in increased risks for incomplete abortion, infection, or other complications. 

Abortions later in pregnancy require a method known as surgical abortion, which is an in-clinic procedure often done by a physician. There are multiple types of surgical abortion procedures depending on the stage of pregnancy. 

No matter the gestational age of your pregnancy, you’ll need to find out key details about your unique medical situation to know how to proceed. Our professional medical team at Oasis Medical can help you navigate this complex decision and find out the answers to your questions. 

What Are the Risks of Abortion? 

You may also want to take some time to consider the risks of abortion. The Mayo Clinic lists the following as potential physical risks of the abortion pill: incomplete abortion, heavy and prolonged bleeding, infection, fever, digestive system discomfort, or an ongoing pregnancy if the procedure doesn’t work. 

Because surgical abortions are often done later in pregnancy and may require some form of sedation, they tend to have a more serious list of risks as well as a higher monetary cost. The potential physical risks of these procedures may include perforation (tearing or puncture) of the uterus, damage to the cervix, scar tissue on the uterine wall, infection, excessive bleeding, dizziness or fever, or severe cramping (according to the Mayo Clinic).  

A medical professional can help answer your questions about these risks and how they may interact with your unique medical needs. Consider discussing these risks with a medical professional at Oasis Medical today. 

What Should I Find Out About My Unique Needs? 

You have unique and individual needs – and your pregnancy needs are no different. While a home pregnancy test is a good first step, it’s wise to first get your pregnancy confirmed by a medical professional

It’s also important to know the answers to key questions about your pregnancy, such as gestational age. Oasis Medical can help you find out this information through a limited obstetrical ultrasound exam

A medical professional will determine if your pregnancy is inside the uterus, or outside the uterus, such as in the fallopian tubes. If your pregnancy is outside of the uterus, which can potentially be life threatening, an abortion cannot take care of that. You may also need additional tests/treatments prior to an abortion.

What Are My Next Steps? 

While you can get some good information from a Google search (like the one that probably brought you here), nothing can replace a personalized conversation with a medical professional about your unique needs. At Oasis Medical, we’d be honored to help you navigate your pregnancy decision. 

An appointment to confirm your pregnancy and receive a limited obstetrical ultrasound exam to answer more specific questions is a great next step. Schedule your free appointment with our team today to prioritize your health.