Fast Facts about Amenorrhea

Have you missed a period? There could be several reasons why. According to the Mayo Clinic there are two types of Amenorrhea, Primary and Secondary. Primary Amenorrhea is for someone who has never had a period. If you think you should have started and haven’t, you may need further investigation. It can be normal for

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What Are the Warning Signs of a Complication After Terminating a Pregnancy?

Access to prompt and comprehensive follow-up medical care is vital to protect your health after any major medical procedure, including termination of a pregnancy. Quality follow-up care is very important to watch for any signs of complications.  If you or someone you know is considering taking medication or a surgical procedure to terminate their pregnancy,

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Do I Have to Tell My Partner That I Am Pregnant?

It can be challenging to navigate a pregnancy decision – particularly if this is unexpected news. If you think you might be pregnant and are considering terminating the pregnancy, you probably have a lot on your mind as you consider what to do next, including if you need to involve your partner in the decision. 

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My Partner Is Pressuring Me to Terminate My Pregnancy, But I’m Not Sure?

In an unplanned pregnancy, you deserve to know the facts, so you can be confident of your choice. However, pressure from those around you, such as from a significant other, partner, family member, or friend, can make it very hard to think clearly. Women who feel pressured often feel alone and feel they have no

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Physically?

Finding out you’re pregnant isn’t always the best of news. When you’re facing a pregnancy you didn’t plan, it can be overwhelming. Our staff at Oasis Medical can give you the information to help you make a decision that is best for you. As you face the decision of obtaining an abortion or continuing with

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How Will Abortion Affect Me Mentally?

If you think you could be pregnant and are considering abortion, here at Oasis Medical we are a holistic medical clinic. That means we treat the “whole” person, not just your “symptoms.”  Abortion is a serious medical undertaking, and it’s important to be informed about both the physical risks as well as the potential mental

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I Don’t Want to Be Pregnant. What can I do about it?

Facing a pregnancy can be overwhelming. At Oasis Medical we are here to answer your questions about abortion such as:   How long do I have to make a decision?  What are the abortion procedures?  What is the average recovery time?  There are three courses of action with regards to your pregnancy: abortion, adoption or parenting.

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Is An Online Abortion or At-Home Abortion Safe?

You may have seen more information recently about ordering the abortion pill online or obtaining it to take at home. This may seem easy and convenient – but is it truly safe?  If you are pregnant and considering abortion, put your health and safety first by finding out the facts about the abortion pill and

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Why Talk to Us About Abortion?

Unexpectedly pregnant? You probably have a lot of thoughts and questions going through your mind.  As you think through what to do next, make sure you talk through your decision with a trusted professional to be sure you have all the information you need to prioritize your health, your safety, and your future.  What Do

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3 Things Needed Before Abortion

If you think you might be unexpectedly pregnant, you have a lot of things going through your mind right now. Feeling anxious and not sure where to turn next are normal responses. At Oasis Medical we are here to help answer your questions. You have supportive resources and compassionate choices available to you.  If you

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